Over the summer (june) I went down to Milton Keyens for the festival of vintage computing in Bletchly park. Bletchly park is Home to the bombe and the enigma, two machines that were used in world was two for code breaking and keeping communications secret. It's also home to large collection of obsolete games consoles and that was what I was there to see. It was a two day event and there was so much to see and it included talks from many nerds! it was so interesting and I was really inspired. One man in particular has recently become a big influence for me is Pixelh8. He is an international chiptune artist and is a volunteer at Bletchly park as well as doing many other great things. He performed on both nights and was kind enough to talk to me about how he has made a success of his work as a chiptune artist and he was also so kind and give me software that he has made for the Gameboy advance which I must say I love!! I have been in regular contact with Mr h8 and he has been a massive help with my research.
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